Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Quote #56

"man ive been drinking so much lately its startin to become pretty natural
this week im gonna chill though
just blaze and shit
i drank every waking moment of my weekend
there was a beer in my face every morning i woke up
i blacked out like 3 times
in 3 nights
it was gettin ugly
i was so drunk the other night
i hooked up with this nasty chick
KNOWING she was nasty
when i was drunk
she was lookin nasty even when i was drunk
thats how drunk i got
when you guys goin out for happy hour?"
-An excerpt from Jeremy on instant messenger

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Quote #55

Kyle: "You're not thinking about doing the [pot] delivery service are you?"
Jeremy: "No...I decided that wasn't a good idea. You know, I wouldn't want to ride my bike around all day and shit."

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Quote #54

"I'll be better when I get a steady income stream that doesn't require me to work hard."
-Jeremy Chang

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Quote #53

"I just had a 2 week break, and let me tell you, i feel refreshed. Well, my body feels like shit."
-Jeremy Chang

Monday, May 7, 2007

Quote #52

"I went out the other night with a buddy of mine who's a dealer. The mound of coke was like this high (gesturing 12" off the table). Then we ended up playing monopoly at 7 o'clock in the morning."
-Jeremy Chang